- Project Celebrate honors the tireless, compassionate people who work for the Johnston county school system. Each year, schools are recognized with gift cards provided by Serve the Need for the teachers, administrators and staff. Additional photographs can be seen by clicking HERE.
- The 2023 Clayton Steakhouse Fundraiser on October 16th was a great success! Special thanks to the leadership and staff at Clayton Steakhouse and to all who participated! Please make plans to join us in the Fall of 2024! Additional photographs can be seen by clicking on this picture.
- The 2nd annual Serve the Need Spaghetti fundraiser took place on November 11, 2023 at the Clayton Civitan building. There was great collaboration, community support and it was an enjoyable day for all involved. Make plans to join us in 2024! Additional photographs can be seen by clicking on this picture.
- The 2023 Clayton Community Thanksgiving meal took place on Wednesday Nov 22nd. Lunch was served at the Clayton Civitan Building and supper was at First Baptist church of Clayton. There was great collaboration involving the Clayton Civitan organization, the Clayton High ROTC, the Clayton Women's clubs and several Clayton area churches. Approximately 1400 meals were prepared and served. Additional photographs can be seen by clicking on this picture.
- One of several ongoing service areas within Serve the Need is to build wheelchair ramps for Johnston county citizens who need them. Email us if you are interested! info@servetheneedjc.org. More ramp construction photos can be seen by clicking on the picture above.
- Stay up to date with all the latest happenings with Serve the Need. Sign up for our monthly newsletter today! Send an email to info@servetheneedjc.org.