Please take a moment to review our revised Resource Directory – many new features are available! Resources have been added and some are no longer available. Select category of interest from the drop-down below or you can search by name of resource provider or topic. (Some resources provide services that are found in multiple categories.) For additional information, select “more info”. (lower left) To view a map of the location – select “show maps”.(lower right)
- The results are being filtered by the postal code: 27610
Disaster Relief
- Find an open shelter – search by city, address, st, zip – updated every 30 min by National Shelter System
- Register or search safe and well being list
- Disaster recovery guides
- Find family after war or international disaster
Supporting America’s Military Families
- Emergency communication services
- Financial assistance
- Information & referral services
- Deployment support and services
Life Saving Blood
International Services
Emergency preparedness – plans to protect home, schools works
Health & safety training
CPR courses